Thursday, May 22, 2008


More of the same happening here. Cloudy, chilly and the spring (or lack thereof) is causing much consternation among the 'hamsters. Yes, nice weather would be welcome, but June is notoriously crummy (its referred to name is "Junuary"). But next week I will be traveling to California and the following week it will be back to the East Coast for a few weeks. Thinking of being back there already makes me miss Bellingham, even though I am sitting here at the Public Market typing this. Weird, huh?

I guess it makes me more grateful to be in a place in which I am really content. Although I aspire to acquire no more material items in life, I am quite rich in the surrounding acquaintances community that I've developed here in the City of Subdued Excitement. But I do look forward to getting back to PA and Ohio to visit family and friends.

And the sun is peeking through so I should remain positive. The next few days should be wonderful and warm, so I've been told. We set up another permaculture work party set up for Saturday, so pictures will surely follow.

Above is a picture of the industrious past of Bellingham down by the docks. This will someday be turned into tasteful condos (an oxymoron if I've ever heard one) and parks and probably more Genirica crap like Vail or Sedona. I like the grit of this old part of town, where the homeless and seals watch the sun set.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We thought that you had left for the sunny climes of California already~