But a wondrous sunset on some bay up in Birch Bay at a big, neat, brand new house overlooking the water was a perfect way to end the weekend. I told the host "I'm glad that you invited me here - I thought that arrogant pricks lived in these types of houses. " I wonder if I'll ever get invited back? Their family owned the land since 1963.
But getting north to Birch Bay and Blaine place required riding the interstate for ten miles there and thirty back. Driving at 60-70 mph without a fairing is a drag. Driving over the crappy part of I-5 just north of Bellingham is even more unpleasant. British Columbians rushing back to their big city lifestyle can also add a tad of hurriedness. But I am mostly riding on back roads, so it's always a nice change.
Oh, and to better finish a perfect day, taking a hot tub up in Blaine at a really neat house of a really cool couple...ahh.
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