Yesterday a friend came up from Seattle and my R60/6 was put back together and complete, so we went out to ride for a bit up and down Chuckanut Drive (but only a few miles, as we were somewhat limited by our time). He has a 1979 Harley Shovelhead, while mine is a 1975 BMW Airhead. It's odd to see Harleys riding with Beemers, so I've been told. And right now his is parked right next to mine at home, leaking oil all over my garage floor, I'm sure.
I replaced my drive shaft seal (twice actually, as the first time screwed up) and now it's once again tight...running smoothly. Next is to set the timing and change the fork oil - two things that proobably don't need to be done, but I might as well do it anyway.
But on a much sadder note, two sailors capsized and presumably drowned in Chuckanut Bay yesterday, right at the place we were riding. The appeared to be in a wooden homemade boat around 20' or so in length. That's what I gathered from the pictures in the print edition in yesterday's Herald. Having sailed and been in some very precarious (and life threatening) situations, I can only imagine what these sailors were feeling in their remaining moments.
The picture abovee is of Chuckanut Bay and stolen from this website. But I guess it's not stolen if I just linked to her site?
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