When you are in business for yourself, it is not uncommon to experience a meltdown when you feel the world is crashing in on you. One such incident occurred last week when I pulled myself away from the computer and work that never seems to be complete, and did some work in the yard.
An old business associate - one fraught with wisdom and experience - was biking by with his son and stopped by to chat. His visiting and having a cup of tea changed my world entirely for the better for the day and beyond.
When things like this happen in my life, I realize that I am the luckiest person alive.
The picture above is Whatcom Creek as it flows past the Post Office on Prospect Street where I bike to every day. The nice weather has left us, and the Spring rains have returned. And that's refreshing.
Happy birthday dude....
mebbe see you Sunday?enjoy the wet drops today....
So sorry for the prickly comment that I left yesterday. If I had known it was your B-Day I would have been more gentle.
Happy Birth-Day !
As a side note, might I suggest that as you slip into middle-agedness that you have your hormone levels checked by a competent endocrinologist.
You appear to be experiencing elevated Estrogen levels by the tone of your recent posts. :-)
hey thanks. i was getting a little mushy there - it happens early in the morning sometimes.
perhaps you ought to skip mornings altogether then? Go straight in to the afternoon?
Happy Birthday Jeff
Thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for the Hamster's garden efforts. Tea baggers beware...garden vegetables are organizing under your very noses!
And of course, tea baggers are not as good as coffee grounds!!
zucchinis of the world unite!!
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