So tonight was a an offshoot of a
Peak Oil Task Force that is forming here in Bellingham. Basically an ad hoc group that may be augmenting the
official City of Bellingham task force. I am glad someone is noticed that there are problems when a commodity central to everyone's life in the US happens to be increasing at over 25% per year. And I won't even get into the fact that we have an administration in the White House that stands to profit handsomely from the oil industry's success. Things are afoot with this (arguably, by some) dwindling resource.

Some may say this is a crazy notion, as they believe that oil will be plentiful for the next few decades or centuries. But expecting to rely upon the mainstream media is worthless. And the story told be the majority of scientists, engineers and economists is not too rosy. I'll side with them over CNN or FOX, thank you.
And then home to watch the apropos
Viva Las Vegas; I will be traveling there this weekend to warm my body and see the some cultural excesses. What an actor that Elvis is. I knew he'd win the race and get the lady.
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