But we were lucky to have stayed with some wonderful hosts in Las Vegas that showed us all over the town and took us where we needed to go. They had a beautiful place that reminded me being in Florida. I am not a desert person, nor am I a big city person.
As always, I missed riding my bike, even in the rain that greeted me on my way to the bus trip home from the airport. I noted to the hostess how Las Vegas is not a very bike/pedestrian-friendly city; she cleverly offered that is a bike/pedestrian-enemy city. Most of the roads are six- or eight-lanes with huge vehicles speeding up and down the boulevards with shiny wheels. I would not feel safe on those road on a bicycle or a motorbike. But I've aged and mellowed and have become softer living in the Pacific Northwest. One speed is all I need in life (note my review in link, second down) .
But it was great to see the sun and get a slight sunburn. At least the sun exists, if it was a thousand miles away. Wait, it's 93 million miles away, but you get the point. A few more months of drear in Bellingham, interspersed with a few days of old sol here and there. I do miss the 300+ days of sun when I lived in Tahoe. But 300+ days of clouds is not so bad. I am glad to be home. And Maggie was happy to see me too.
welcome back to the "ham..we missed you!
I kissed the ground at BLI upon arrival.
that was you? I thought that it was the Pope!!
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