Today, we had a social at my place for an alternative currency exchange. Basically, these were quite widespread during The Depression as a way to offer and obtain services in currency units other than the US dollar. And in case you've been asleep for the last few years, the US Dollar is in a free fall, as compared to the Loonie and Euro ($.85 equaled one Euro in 2000; now it is $1.55 to one - do the math, that's an 82% appreciation of the Euro versus the Dollar). All other indicators from what I've been reading indicate that things could get far worse in the next few years. I wonder why this is a non-event in our media? I guess stories like "School Bans Hugs Over 2 Seconds Long" is more important. I wonder when it first became so obvious that our media - the overseer of our society's freedom - so miserably failed us?
Time to sleep.
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