But on the topic of real estate, it's good to see that the market is cooling off even here in Bellingham. On one hand, I heard (from a long-time realtor) that retirees moving here have dropped off significantly. But on the other hand, I heard that the 25-40 year-olds is moving here still in droves - and I read from other sources this is the largest demographic increase. (Year-over-year volume is off approximately 25% while prices are off roughly 5%.) It's good to live in a town that is considered hip and not turning into a retirement community. Not that I have anything against retirees (I've been semi-retired numerous times in my life, but I don't quite understand the blue-collar definition of retirement - and considering that I have slim chance of seeing either a pension or social security, I will probably never be able to retire in the fashion of current and past generations; I will probably do things requiring physical aptitude now and then put my brain to work when all the boomers finally retire and I can make a living wage), but people I know that live in retirement areas complain of their social inwardness and frugal spending habits (eg, order off the early bird menu, and be home by nine) thus creating a less than exciting social environment. Don't get me wrong, many older folks I know are very active in all facets of the community through volunteer efforts and outreach - I'm just repeating what friends have told me that live in these areas.
And I, at forty-two, am no spring chicken myself, but considering that 80% of the residents of Whatcom County make less than $18/hr, it is more of a place to live and enjoy life versus to build a fortune. And that's alright by me.
Off to the coffee shop to do some work.
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