One thing that did appall me was when I was passed by a Boxster and the occupants tossed some trash out of their convertible while driving past Lake Padden. I was shocked at the ignorance of those people still wantonly littering, but I guess even white trash can drive Porsches. (It was probably leased and they're probably up to their ears in home equity debt anyway.) I felt like the crying Indian from the seventies, and as I write this, I shake my head in dismay. Why do people come to a beautiful place to (literally) trash it?
But they'll probably go back to their condo or gated community, and I to my humble coal miner's home in Sunnyland. Fortunately, I only have to deal with those self-absorbed jackasses on a very limited basis.
Sorry about the rant. But when this is the greatest of my perturbments, I guess life is pretty good.
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