Today was a day where I had to go to a meeting in Anacortes and we drove. Since I don't drive and don't spend much time in traffic, it was nice to get out and see what I am not missing. And it is interesting to see continued road building in a time when our national, state, county and local governments are going broke and when we continue to build more infrastructure while what we have is woefully undermaintained. (Read
this assessment by the American Society of Civil Engineers. Pretty bleak.) What's sadder is that the US continues down this reckless path while the rest of the developed world tightens their belts.
But back home was nice by finally getting the rest of my veggie plots planted. Better late than never. I splurged (and cheated) and bought some starts at the Public Market: zucchini, lettuce, spinach, cukes, onions, and a few others I am sure I forgot. And the lettuce and radishes are coming up. It is so neat to see things spring forth even though I am a season behind. Nice day in the mid sixties; it's actually nineteen Celsius right now at
BLI, and I do not know what the Fahrenheit is.
(I hope I do not begin to get
too political on this daily log.)
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