Sunday, July 13, 2008


You really do not need a boat in Bellingham. But you definitely need a friend with one. So this weekend my housemate and I (and Magilla) sailed the San Juans aboard a 42' cruising trimaran. The hosts were seasoned offshore cruisers and told many stories about their escapades and travels in the South Pacific and Mexico.

I've sailed many times on my own boat, and it was quite relaxing to know that there were no responsibilities on my part (being a guest) other than eating, napping and applying sunscreen. You see, being the skipper, you are responsible for everything from anchoring to mechanics to the crews' health and safety; as a guest, you need not do anything.

We motored to Echo Bay on Sucia Island Friday night and ended up at anchor for two nights. The sailboat had two little dinghies that were rigged for sailing also. So on Saturday afternoon,
we hung out on board and sailed around the bay in variable winds on Lulu and Sparky - the little boats accompanying the S/V Seafire. So for the next few nights, I am sure you will hear more. But tonight I need to sign off. A Monday deadline looms.

Oh, and the pictures are of the majestic Mount Baker at 10,000 feet. The second is from anchor for Friday and Saturday night.

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