And as happens on many days, I saw someone I knew to stop and chat with. I am lucky to be able to bike and run into people out and about in the community. Unlike driving, biking exposes me to many more people and most are in good moods and fit in
and soul, versus being sealed in their cars with elevated anxiety and stress. And strained wallets. I fell sorry for the person that never experiences cycling in Bellingham because of the thousand reasons they think of, while their driving habits continue to bleed them.
Although only being in Bellingham for a few short years, I still thank the gods that I scored a home so close to town. I realized that sooner or later gasoline would edge into the range of being prohibitively expensive - I just never imagined it would happen so quickly. Crude oil (although it was a fluke in the marketplace) was trading around $13/bbl in 1998; today it is trading over ten times that amount. And from reading various publications - both from the industry itself, as well as outside sources - it is only poised to go higher. Rapidly changing times are not far ahead for our auto-dominated society.
Later in the day I did need to expose myself to the driving world by taking the community truck to get pick up some compost, but returned the truck as soon as I could like I would a bad video.
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