Sunday, July 6, 2008


Today I donned my c.1989 tie-dye and went down to the park to fly a kite, and I cannot tell you the last time that I wore one of these shirts. Probably sometime in the nineties maybe?

But it was an absolutely wonderful day, weather wise. And being able to lie in the grass while flying a kite was quite relaxing. And amazingly enough, this is where a thousand people congregated last night to see the fireworks and I didn't even see a scrap of litter. I did see some pistachio shells in the grass, but that was it. Remarkable.

But I have been devoting an hour or two each day to get my yard in order. Today I got some oregano and lemon balm and planted it, along with some other types of bulbs (I forget what they are but I was told they are wonderful and planted them under the lilac). The herb garden is coming together.

Not much more to say. Time to get some sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Peace, man....
Ban the bomb!