Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Not much to say today. But they are removing the car parking lane from Cornwall Avenue and replacing it with a seven-foot wide bike lane in each direction. What a great idea. I personally didn’t need a bike lane, but I talk to many people who say they are scared to bike to work or school because of the traffic. Maybe the safety of a bike lane will motivate them to get on their bikes.

There are so many more people biking in Bellingham and I’ve heard ridership is way up on WTA. I hope the cycling continues through the fall when the weather changes. It’s actually quite refreshing to ride in the drizzle. I’ve skied, sailed and kayaked before where getting a wet face (or more) was part of the activities’ routine. Why would biking be any different? With the proper attire, I get less wet walking out the door in my rain gear to the garage then I otherwise used to get walking to my car.

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