Friday, June 26, 2009


A bit of time spent in Cleveland, a city of which I have generally fond memories and spent many summer plying its lake aboard my little Catalina 25. Back across the beautiful rolling hills covering Pennsylvania. No matter where you are in Pennsylvania, you can always see rolling-tree-covered hills.

And last night we met at a roadhouse in Mt. Pocono - a friend that lived down the street from me for many years that I hadn't seen in fifteen years or so - for drinks and catching up. I camped at Hickory Run State Park (see picture, although I really saw nothing except the bathrooms) and left this morning to pitch my tent on the Susquehanna River near Lake Winola and Falls, PA.

An odd thing: I rarely watched television, but while falling asleep on someone's couch, I was watching an old black and white movie called "A Place in the Sun." The next day I told my aunt how I missed the old movies like that and she told me how that movie was based upon an event that actually happened at Harvey's Lake, only a few miles away from where she lived for many decades. I dunno. I thought that was odd.

Back in the town I call my 'home town' of Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania. Down time spent at the library and a daytime of mellow fun to follow. Fortunately my trip has turn around entirely for the better.

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