So there has been tremendous benefit to the growth of this area due to the the plentiful
lumber that covered the mountains - firs, cedars, pines, etc. It is still an impassioned topic here, as the tree huggers (me, sort of) square off against the developers and other landowners here. I try not to get involved too much in this debate, as the days of the dominance of lumber are behind Bellingham. Most of the milling is done elsewhere anyway, I believe, and stewardship of the forests seems to be a bit more the norm versus the clearcutting of the past.
Unfortunately, much of the peninsula is quite unsightly du to the clearcutting of what (I believe) is federal forest lands that you and I subsidize at the benefit of the timber industry. Much replanting does occur, but much does not. Too bad. I feel the forests the greatest renewable resource this country possesses.
I am quite tired tonight and have a day of meetings tomorrow, so I will sign off. I am not thinking too clearly and it is midnight.
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