And a string of robberies has turned Bellingham into a crime rampant town. Mr. Big Time is holding up small businesses. Sort of funny. Once in a while we get a murder. But people seem to be too laid back to worry about killing one another. But sometimes someone does vomit on a repulsively large SUV.
In Bellingham people walking or biking always seem to give each other a simple nod of acknowledgment when passing one another. Sometimes a smile accompanies the nod. But usually not. The Bellingham Nod is something that took me awhile to comprehend and is quite common. Time for sleep.
I've lived all my life in Bellingham, but didn't know we had a Bellingham Nod. It just seems like a natural thing...but I guess I wouldn't expect it in a larger city.
My dad grew up on Lopez Island (one of the San Juans off of Bellingham's coast). Now they have a distinct Lopez wave - not just for bikers or walkers, but for cars. "Wave, you're on Lopez" is I think the unofficial motto.
I guess it is sort of like the "Aussie wave"~ people tend to think of the friendly Aussies who are always waving to one another... when in actual fact is is just a natural reaction to wave the multitude of flies away from the face....
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