Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I began and ended my trip staying with a friend in Norristown, PA. His home is one of the large, old row homes that populate that town - a diverse and ethnically mixed neighborhood. But hundred deree weather coupled with seventy degree walls of air conditioning gets old rather quickly. This morning on the train to the airport, the temperature was already eighty-seven at 8:27am.

That is the high for Seattle today, which is labeled a scorcher. And I've been told that summer is in full stride in Bellingham, with temps in the seventies and cloudless. Needless to say, I look forward to returning to tolerable temperatures without the everpresent drone of air conditioners.

Don't get me wrong, I had a fabulous time on the East Coast, but my plate is full in Bellingham with work and life, so I am glad to return home. But we ended the trip with a relaxing night of watching the Phillies play the Braves, and I tried to act like I knew baseball, even though it's been decades since I followed the sport. Adieu from the airport of Philadelphia - a city that holds many fond memories from my formative years, and good friends that still reside there.

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