Sunday, August 3, 2008


I sit here with a slice of garlic under my tongue. (My housemante told me it is good for colds.) Is it a cold or allergies? I haven't had allergies this bad since I moved to the West Coast. Come to think of it, I haven't been that sick either. So which is it? For now the garlic stays. And I took some Emergen-c. I dread going to the doctor, but I guess it's time to put some cash in the coffers of the ailing Big Pharma (yeah right). But naturopathy is big here and I would prefer someone along those lines, and my health care plan covers it also.

But I made the local paper again today. Pretty neat. I am excited to be part of this movement in a hip town. I hope I didn't come across too negative, but the reporter seemed to do a fine job on the reporting. (I'm the one in the article with the 1975 BMW.)

Today was working at friend's while working on a business plan. Then to see a movie, which was most entertaining. Another busy week lies ahead. Oh, and the picture was taken yesterday from Railroad Avenue downtown.

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