Saturday, August 9, 2008


Today was a wet day and chilly. A day to get ready to take the motorbike over to Orcas (pronounced OR-kuss) Island. This is only a hundred mile round trip, but will be the longest trip I've taken so far on the BMW. We hope to catch the 10am ferry and return sometime in the afternoon or evening. My housemate wants to take pictures for a project she's doing, so we will be toting her photography gear in the saddlebags.

So today I got the bike ready for the road and adjusted the carbs, ran out of fuel (and learned how to use the reserve tank), and changed the plugs. (I also passed a mechanical milestone in my life by buying my first torque wrench.) I doubt there will be problems, so we'll see. Initially I was apprehensive about the trip, but now I am getting excited. I guess you need to start somewhere, and a trip like this is a good shakedown. I am sure you will hear more soon, along with more pictures.

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