Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I work with biodiesel. My company has made significant strides towards helping the U.S. quench its insatiable appetite for diesel fuel for agriculture, industry and transportation. We have many sources to make biodiesel, including waste veggie oil, animal tallow and virgin oil. Now some of these crops that are grown include genetically modified seed strains, some of which come from the agribusiness behemoths that we all know and hate. One specific oilseed is canola (I have many samples in jars in my office, a tiny seed much tinier than a BB). It is known as rapeseed in oild and

Now on one hand I read the horrors of these Frankenfoods and the way big business has stuck it to the farmer in forcing them into buying seed, suing them for seed blown into their fields, etc. I was in a meeting with many farmers today, some of whom are looking to grow crops that can keep their land tilled and generating oncome versus being paved over and suburbanized. Others oppose it. Although we could easily buy from the Midwest, one objective is to support the local farming community.

On one hand, a friend I had dinner with tonight suggested that I'm not consuming these crops, only growing them for fuel. But on the other hand, we do not know what the long-term ramifications of GMO crops may be on the environment, humanity, or god knows what else. I have come to learn that there is no easy solution to any of the self-inflicted wounds that plague our little planet. Life's quandaries.

Today was partly sunny. By this I mean the sun peeked through the perpetual stratus clouds for roughly ninety seconds But better weather is on the way.

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