So at any I intended on riding to Concrete, Washington. Things were going fine, although I got a flat riding down old US99, north of Sedro Woolley. A crummy hand, but as luck would have it there was a huge motorcycle shop less than a mile down the road. I can change a car tire, I can change a bicycle tire, but I cannot change a motorbike tire. So after an hours or so I was back on the road, unfortunately aborting the ride to Concrete. But instead, I was able to ride up Chuckanut Drive. One of the prettiest roads that I've ever been on in my life. (Well, except for the trophy homes built by retiring selfish idiots scarring the land forever. They trashed California, let them proceed to trash Bellingham. And now the droves of Canadians, only to get worse with the continued decline of the US dollar...oops, there I go again. Ack!)
In retrospect a great day. And I must've looked cool in my jacket, as other most bikers seem to wave at one another. Cruising along at sixty-plus with the putter of this old VW-sounding motor right beneath you is quite a sensation. I can easily see the passion arising of this unity of person and machine. I might go out back to the garage and look at it one last time tonight.
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