Wednesday, January 9, 2008


This is a funny sign we saw at a rest area down near the southern part of the Arizona-New Mexico border west of Silver City taken back in 2006. Click on the picture and it will enlarge to a readable size.

Today was a very busy day and I spent most of it in front of a computer or on the phone. Very productive, but I am very tired. And tomorrow I need to go to a weekend conference, which is a tremendous opportunity for me and the president to gain exposure and meet interesting like-minded people. Besides, it's on a 255-acre campus in the San Juans. So I am indeed looking forward to getting away, although it will be socially intense at times in an invigorating environment. But exercising the mind, like the body, is always stimulating.

But either my eyes are playing tricks on me, or Sherman, the house mouse is darting about. It's been a long day and my eyes are getting buggy.

Cannot guarantee my posts the next few days, as web access may not be...

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