Monday, January 21, 2008


So tonight we took the Community Car Share to SFU Surrey to see James Howard Kunstler, an author that writes extensively on the reliance of automobiles in our culture and how appallingly ugly the landscape has become through sprawl and paving over everything at the expense of traditional architecture, community and farmland. He was a great speaker and it was fun to go into Canada again, as I thoroughly enjoy visiting our northern neighbors.

And gaining exposure to the energy industry does not paint a pretty picture regarding the supply of crude within the next decade. I used to figure that we could pass this problem off to our children (well not mine - I have none) but it seems that our lives will be impacted much sooner than that. Considering that the price of oil has climbed 50% in the past year (not to mention the collapsing dollar loosing 50% of its value against the Euro since 2000), things are afoot in the global markets. But ignoring the problem is easier, and let's concentrate on real issues in our next election like the candidates' views on abortion or guns.

Time for some ice cream.

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