Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Today was an afternoon in Tacoma for a meeting. Tacoma is a burly city with a soft Pacific Northwest underbelly. And we lucked out in traffic. In what can easily turn into a trip from hell, I-5 had virtually no congestion. In either direction. Total luck.

What a price those people in Seattle pay for shiny new Land Rovers. I would live on a pittance and have a $224 Trek Cruiser as my main source of transport before I would go back to that lifestyle. Oh wait, I do. I guess it will take a bit more, um, less.

Not much more here. The eagles are out on the Nooksack, so maybe I will take a bus or hitchhike out there this weekend. But I haven't really hitched since 1992 or so, so I will probably bus it. Or take the motorbike. So many choices in life.

1 comment:

Tshombe said...

Yes, Tacoma is a beautiful old stompin' grounds.