Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today was another work day. Drat. And another hour or two tonight. But it felt like a Spring day and there were tons of Robins in the back and front yards. They come in and chow on these crab apples in the front. And hang out in the back too. And amongst them was a Varied Thrush with very orange throat.

The male Varied Thrush is a striking bird, and is virtually unmistakable. It is smaller than an American Robin and dark blue-gray above. It has bright orange wing bars, throat, lateral head stripe and underparts. There is a black breast band and facemask. The song is eerie and melancholic.

Oddly enough when I was traveling back in 2006 (on more than one occasion) I would see this bird singing from the tops of trees - Minnesota and Montana come to mind. I kept watching this bird through binoculars and wondering what it was. It perched and sang like a Baltimore Oriole (now called the Northen Oriole). But it had different markings than any orioles in the bird book, and confused me as to what it was.

I saw one at Leavenworth, but only after seeing its vivid orange throat today did I confirm what I'd seen. I am not an avid birder, although I do take my bird book and binos with me on most trips. The fast life I lead.

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